Grove City Community Library
Grove City, Pennsylvania
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Interlibrary (ILL) Loan Request
Patrons with a GCCL card in good standing (a current GCCL library card with fines/charges at or below $5.00 and no items currently overdue) may use the form below to request an item from Access PA that GCCL does not own. All fields marked * are required.
Up to 5 items may be requested OR borrowed by a patron at one time. The lending library will set the date the item will be due. A late fee of $1.00 per day per item will be charged. If you request an item and do not pick it up you will be charged a $1.00 processing fee.
Please note that some libraries will not lend out items that have been published in the last six months to one year. Some libraries will not lend out their audio/visual collections. We will do our best to get you what you want, but the lending library has final say as to whether or not they will loan an item.
If you have any questions, please contact GCCL.